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Social Emotional Learning


May is Mental Health Awareness Month, a time for reflection and engaging in advocacy surrounding mental health. In the Lynn Public Schools mental health support is an integral part of our daily work on behalf of our students and families.

As we reflect on the years of dismantling the stigma surrounding suicide and mental illness, we also look to our future and the ways that we can expand our services to meet an ever-growing need. If you or a family member is experiencing emotional or mental health distress, do not hold that alone.  Isolation is not a helpful during times of distress. Reaching out is a courageous action and one that will bring healing.

Please feel free to contact the Social Emotional Learning department at LPS Admin 781-477-7220 ext. 3183 or connect with the clinical team at your child’s school.

Social Emotional Learning Personnel
Executive Director of Social Emotional Learning
Tina Hoofnagle (781) 477-7220 extension 3183
Assistant Directors of Social Emotional Learning
Erin Heenan (781) 477-7220 extension 3152
Virginia Leigh  (781) 477-7220 extension 3199
McKinney Vento Homeless Liaison/DCF Point of Contact
Yeimi Reynoso
(781) 477-7220 extension 3207

What is Social Emotional Learning and Why is it Important?

Children learn best when their bellies are full, their bodies feel safe, and their minds are at peace. Social Emotional Learning means creating a classroom and school environment where kids feel the support of the adults around them, where the learning community is welcoming to all people (families and students alike) and where students have access to the emotional resources, tools and spaces they need to do the most important academic and developmental work of their young lives.

According to the experts social and emotional learning (SEL) is the process through which children and adults acquire and seek to apply the knowledge, skills, and attitudes to develop healthy identities, manage emotions and achieve personal and collective goals, feel and show empathy for others, establish and maintain supportive relationships and make responsible and caring decisions. CASEL 2020

Lynn Public Schools is committed to supporting our students and families through our SEL practices and service delivery of student support. In SY 22/23 we expanded our clinical model to provide tiered level of support for all our students. This means that we ensure that all students at the schools receive universal supports while providing increasing levels of support for learners with higher needs. At present, there is clinical support in all schools! We have 24 Clinical Supervisors and 68 Clinicians that are present and able to respond to students experiencing a range of needs. For example, clinicians may meet with students to build their social emotional regulation skills, facilitate social skill building friendship groups, and also attend Wellness meetings with families to address any barriers impacting student learning and attendance. This team is also committed to increasing communication and partnership with families and helping to link with community resources.

SEL is also present in our schools via our curriculum resources such as Teach Town (PreK) and Caring Schools Community (K-5th). The overall goal of these resources is to help our students become caring responsible members of their school community by:

  • Building caring and belonging relationships
  • Teaching social and emotional skills
  • Creating learning environments that support student learning

In grades 6-12 the vision is to embed social emotional competencies into all content as opposed to adopting a curriculum. Research supports the benefits of SEL and students who have experienced SEL in schools have demonstrated:

  • Higher academic achievement
  • Improved social emotional skills
  • More positive classroom behavior
  • Reduced emotional problems such as depression, stress, and anxiety

This brief letter of explanation is meant to highlight the overarching goals and objectives of the SEL department. Our collective mission and desire are to assist our students and families.

If you have need to communicate with a Clinician, please feel free to contact your building Principal or feel free to reach out to me, Tina Hoofnagle, LICSW Executive Director of SEL [email protected] or 781-477-7220 ext 3183.

World Mental Health Day 2023 

World Mental Health Day

World Mental Health Day, Tuesday October 10, 2023, is an international day for global health education, awareness, and advocacy against social stigma. This year’s theme is “mental health is a universal right." Lynn Public Schools prioritizes wellness and provides clinicians from the SEL department for each school to support students and families. On this World Mental Health Day, it is our message to end the stigma and discrimination and elevate mental health awareness.
